about us

welcome to maranatha bible chapel

Marantha Bible Chapel was planted in November 2007. The church began through the efforts of pastor Glenroy H. Prince and his wife Christine. The purpose of Maranatha Bible Chapel is to make disciples for Jesus Christ from all nations, who will love God with their whole beings and who will love their fellow men.


We will make disciples for Jesus Christ through making Christ known through the preaching of the gospel, engaging in wholesome worship at the weekly breaking of the bread, providing faithful, expository teaching of the word of God, and promoting and supporting consistent fellowship among believers.


We are resolved to be a vibrant, multi-national, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, worshipping body of believers who will be known for our love for God and each other and for our unity of purpose in making disciples for Jesus Christ of all nations.


The following passages of scripture guided us in formulating the above statements:

Matthew 28: 19-20
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…
Matthew 22: 37-39
Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ ”
Acts 2:42
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

These scripture passages clearly teach that the church’s reason for being is to make disciples for Jesus Christ of all nations, through making Christ known through the preaching of the gospel, baptizing those who receive Christ, providing faithful expository teaching of the scriptures, and promoting and supporting consistent fellowship among believers.


Expository in Preaching

Our preaching will not only respect dispensational distinctions, but it will be guided by biblical truth. Our preaching will be orthodox and committed to a literal, historical, grammatical interpretation of the Scriptures.

Contemporary in Music

Every generation is entrusted with the responsibility to reach its generation with the message of salvation. We believe we should use all the available means possible to accomplish this goal. Hence, in addition to the use of the traditional hymns of the faith, contemporary music will be used in our ministry.

Creative in Evangelism

Like the apostle Paul, our objective is to become all things to everyone, so that by all possible means, many would become Christians (I Corinthians 9:22). Based on existing abilities within our church family, we will utilize every available means the Lord provides to evangelize.

Authenticity in Worship

We will provide opportunities for believers to participate in authentic worship through our weekly communal worship services. We hope to maintain focus, excellence, awe, exultation, and authenticity in our services.

Focused in Discipleship

Every believer will be challenged through an intensive focus on Jesus’ terms of discipleship intended to instill spiritual habits and to foster growth in Christ through our teaching ministry and various ministries.

Authentic in Outreach

We will not turn a blind eye to the social needs of our neighbors (1John 3:17). Our outreach programs will be intentionally designed to serve, provide compassion, encourage and liberate people from cycles that deny them of human dignity.